Dragi Vlasnici,
07.02.2021. oko 22:00 časova uočeno je curenje u garaži kompleksa.
Naš tim tehničkog održavanja je izašao na intervenciju i utvrdio da je u pitanju kanalizacija zgrade Bilećka 65. Nakon nekoliko pokušaja nisu uspeli da otpuše sajlom, a kako je zagušenje veliko neophodan je izlazak specijalizovanih službi na teren. Ovo nije kvar već je problem nastao usled nepravilnog korišćenja.
Nakon što je ekipa iz Beograd Vodovod i Kanalizacija izašla na teren u toku noći i odbila da odradi otpušavanje jer nije javna površina, pozvali smo drugu kompaniju koja je jutros, 08.02.2021. uz prisustvo našeg tehničara za hitne slučajeve, otpušila kanalizacinu cev. Danas je izvršeno i dodatno čišćenje garaže na mestima gde se curenje pojavljivalo.
Izveštaj tehničkog tima kao i fotografije možete pronaći na linku: http://wix.to/rkClB4g
Dear Owners,
02/07/2021 around 22:00, a leak was noticed in the garage of the complex.
Our Technical Maintenance team came to the intervention and determined that the sewerage system of the building Bilećka 65 was clogged. After several attempts, they failed to unclog the drain, as it was necessary that specialized services come to the location. This is not a malfunction, but a problem caused by improper use.
After the service Beograd Vodovod i Kanalizacija came to the location and refused to solve because it is not a public area, we called another company, which this morning, on 08.02.2021.unclogged the sewer pipe in the presence of our technician for emergency situations. Today, additional cleaning of the garage was performed in the places where the leak occurred.
You can find our official report as well as the photos on link: http://wix.to/rkClB4g
