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Obaveštenje / Information

Writer's picture: AtriumAtrium

Dragi vlasnici i stanari,

Ovim putem želim da Vas obavestim malo detaljnije vezano za curenja tačnije sinoćne poplave na svim fazama kompleksa Voždove Kapije.

Usled prevelikih padavina dana 08.06.2020. došlo je do prodora vode unutar kompleksa.

Nadamo se da Ste dobro, obzirom da je prva dužnost obezbeđenja bila da zaštiti stanare od nezgode, nakon toga i Vašu svojinu.

Sve pumpe u tehničkim prostorijama I garaži su odradile svoj posao i izbacile svu količinu vode dospelu do njih. Takođe su bile ispravne i funkcionalne i njima pripadajuće jame, separatori i kanali koji dovode vodu do njih Tehničar naše kompanije proverava ove pumpe na nedeljnom nivou. Primećeno je da rešetke i slivnici po prostorijama i u garaži nisu baš najniža tačka poda te je bilo sporadičnih "bara" oko rešetki i slivnika, koji su svi odveli svu količinu vode dospelu do njih.

Primećena je vlaga ili manja količina vode na podu prostorija koje nemaju slivnik, kanal ili pumpu, takođe zbog neodgovarajuće nivelacije i/ili pada poda od vrata/tačke prodora vode. Lift lobiji na nivoima -1 i -2 u ulazima Generala Rašića 1 i 3 su se pokazali kao najniže tačke poda a bez predviđenog odvoda(slivnika) te se voda iz garaža ulivala u te prostore. Poslali smo danas cleaning tim da obriše prizemlje zgrade kako je bilo dosta vode, zbog sigurnosti stanara, iako zvanično nismo počeli da održavamo ovaj deo.

Mesta prodora vode u garaži su takođe mesta prolaska raznih cevi(kanalizacionih, vodovodnih, hidrantskih...) sa nivoa iznad na nivo garaže, kroz ploču za šta postoje i video snimci u toku prodora vode.

Trenutno postoje manje količine vode i/ili vlage na podu sporadično po garaži i tehničkim prostorijama bez slivnika.

Ovu količinu vode ne možemo odstraniti pomoću pumpi, obzirom da nivo vode ne omogućava pumpi da se upale bez da se pregreju, što znači da kada je nizak nivo vode, možemo da samo da pustimo da se osuši.

Lokali su takođe pretrpeli posledice, najveći problem je rešenje kanalizacije u Bilećkoj ulici, obzirom da je iz slivnika na pešačkim zonama kujala voda (gejziri) i sve je ulazilo unutar lokala.

Obezbeđenje je zajedno sa vlasnicima pokušavalo da spreči nastanak veće štete, i ukoliko Vam je potrebna njihova pomoć, ne oklevajte da im se obratite.

Hvala Vam što niste koristili liftove od prizemlja do -1 i -2 nivoa garaže, kako se javilo curenje i na ovim mestima, važno nam je da se mehanizam liftova nije oštetio.

Oba lifta u Generala Rašića 1 su ugašena kako su se jame napunile vodom preko 1,5 metara. Srećom, uz sinoćnu komunikaciju sa Profesionalnim Upravnikom preneli smo stanarima da ne koriste liftove.

Voda će danas (10.06.2020.) biti ispuštena uz prisustvo naših tehničara,predstavnika investitora i kompanije Kone.

Ako pogledamo prognozu možemo pretpostaviti da će i večeras biti vremenskih nepogoda, pa Vas još jednom molim da ne koristite liftove za garažu (do -1 i -2 nivoa) kako bismo sprečili prodor vode u mehanizam.

Ukoliko postoje posledice usled sinoćne poplave a tiču se zajedničkih delova kompleksa, molim Vas da mi pošaljete mail-om kako bismo u dogovoru sa predstavnicima investitora mogli da nađemo hitno rešenje.


Dear Owners & Residents,

This way, I would like to inform you with more details regarding yesterday’s bad weather conditions and leakages caused by the rain on all phases of the Voždove Kapije complex.

Due to excessive rainfall on 08.06.2020. there was a water intrusion inside the complex. We hope that you are well, since the first duty of security was to protect the owners from accidents, and then your property.

All the pumps in the technical rooms and garage did their job and dumped all amount of water that reached to them. The pits, separators and channels that bring water to them were also correct and functional, and the technician of our company checks these pumps on a weekly basis. It was noticed that the grilles and drains in the rooms and in the garage are not exactly the lowest point of the floor, so there were sporadic "puddles" around the grilles and drains, which all took away all the water that reached them.

Moisture or a small amount of water was noticed on the floor of rooms that do not have a drain, channel or pump, also due to inadequate leveling and / or falling of the floor from the door / water penetration point. Elevator lobbies at levels -1 and -2 in the entrances of Generala Rašića 1 and 3 proved to be the lowest points of the floor without a drain and water from the garages flowed into these areas. We sent a cleaning team today to wipe the ground floor of the building as there was plenty of water, for the safety of the owners, although we have not officially started maintaining this part.

Places of water penetration in the garage are also places of passage of various pipes (sewage, water supply, hydrant ...) from the level above to the level of the garage, through the panel for which there are videos during the penetration of water.

Currently, there are small amounts of water and / or moisture on the floor sporadically in garages and technical rooms without drains.

We cannot remove this amount of water with the help of pumps, since the water level does not allow the pump to ignite without overheating, which means that when the water level is low, we can only let it dry.

Retail units also suffered consequences, the biggest problem is the construction solution of the sewage system in Bilećka Street, considering that water (geysers) was boiling from the drains in the pedestrian zones and everything was going inside units.

Security, together with the owners, tried to prevent bigger damage, and if you need their help, do not hesitate to contact them.

Thank you for not using the elevators from the ground floor to the -1 and -2 levels of the garage, as there was a leak in these places as well, it is important to us that the elevator mechanism was not damaged.

Both elevators in Generala Rašića 1 were shut down as the pits filled with water over 1.5 meters. Fortunately, with last night's communication with the Professional Manager, we told the owners not to use the elevators.

The water will be released today (10.06.2020.) in the presence of our technicians, investor’s representatives and company Kone.

If we look at the forecast, we can assume that there will be bad weather tonight, so once again I ask you not to use the elevators for the garage (to -1 and -2 levels) in order to prevent the penetration of water into the mechanism.

If there are consequences due to last night's flood and they concern the common parts of the complex, please send me an e-mail so that we can find an urgent solution in agreement with the representatives of the investor.

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