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Praznična dekoracija/ New Year's decoration

Writer's picture: AtriumAtrium

Ispred portirnice sa unutrašnje strane dvorišta ukrašena je Novogodišnja jelka, koja doprinosi prazničnoj atmosferi u okviru kompleksa.

Ulazna vrata na Generala Rašića 1 i Bilećkoj 67 su krajem decembra po želji stanara oslikana i dekorisana u zimskim i novogodišnjim motivima. Oslikavanje stakala izvela Jelena Ćosić Art.

Želimo Vam srećne praznike!

A New Year's/Christmas tree is decorated in front of the gatehouse on the inner side of the yard, which contributes to the festive atmosphere within the complex.

The entrance doors at Generala Rašića 1 and Bilećka 67 were painted and decorated in winter and New Year motives at the end of December at the request of the tenants. Paintings were done by Jelena Ćosić Art.

We wish you Happy Holidays!

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