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Teretni lift Generala Rašića 3 – dodatna provera

Writer's picture: AtriumAtrium

Dragi Vlasnici,

Povodom prijave problema sa liftom u zgradi Generala Račića 3, zajedničkom inspekcijom tehničke službe KONE i Atrium Property Services doo, ustanovljeno je sledeće:

Lift u zgradi na lokaciji Generala Rađića br. 3 je ispravan i bezbedan za korišćenje. Izveštaj KONE-a u prilogu.

Dodatak: Lift ima zanemarljive zvukove i vibracije, kao i nefiksirane oplate što je razlog obloge koja je montirana zbog transporta stvari stanara. Nakon skidanja obloge, lift treba očistiti i fiksirati mu oplate.

Ukoliko ovo na bilo koji način iritira korisnike, naša dva predloga:

• Ne koristiti lift za transport ljudi dok se prenose stvari, ili

• Na zahtev Upravnika odmah demontirati zaštitnu oblogu i nakon toga očistiti lift

(okno i elementi lifta koji ne mogu biti očišćeni od strane redovnog čišćenja zbog zaštitne obloge)

Slučaj gde je vlasnik posebnog dela prijavio propadanje (prošle subote): tehničari kompanije Kone su preneli da je moguće da je došlo do kratkog gubitka struje u liftu od strane Elektrodistribucije i da se ovo jako retko dešava.

Liftovi su po zakonu, standardima i normama republike Srbije bezbedni i ne može doći do slobodnog pada.

Nakon poslatog mail-a, profesionalni upravnik Erić Žarko nas je obavestio da oblogu ostavimo naredna dva meseca odnosno da zaštitu skinemo početkom septembra.


Dear owners,

Regarding the report of problems with the elevator in the building of Generala Račića 3, the inspection of the technical service KONE and Atrium Property Services doo, established the following:

Elevator in the building at the location of Generala Rašića 3 is in function and safe to use. KONE report attached.

Additionally: The elevator has negligible sounds and vibrations, as well as unfixed formwork, which is the reason for the protection that was placed for the furniture transport. After removing the protection, the elevator should be cleaned and its frame fixed to the elevator’s box.

If this irritates users in any way, our two suggestions:

• Do not use the elevator to transport people while transporting items, or

• At the request of the Manager, immediately remove the protective cover and then clean the elevator

(elevator elements cannot be cleaned by regular cleaning due to the protective coating)

A case where the owner of a special part reported a breakdown (last Saturday): Kone technicians reported that it was possible that there was a short loss of electricity in the elevator by Elektrodistribucija and that this happens very rarely.

According to the law, standards and norms of the Republic of Serbia, elevators are safe and there can be no free fall.

After the e-mail was sent, the professional manager Erić Žarko informed us to leave the protection for the next two months. The protection will be removed at the beginning of September.

Your Atrium

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