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Obaveštenje / Information

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

Dragi vlasnici i stanari,

Ovim putem želimo da Vam se izvinimo uz obaveštenje da je u prethodnim danima, usled tehničkih problema, sistem za online reklamacije bio van funkcije.

Sada ponovo možete koristiti sistem, ali nažalost, sve podnete reklamacije je neophodno uneti opet.

Izvinjavamo se još jednom za ove probleme i dajemo sve od sebe kako se isti ne bi ponovili.

Hvala na razumevanju.


Dear Owners & Residents,

This way, we would like to apologize to you with the notice that in the previous days, due to technical problems, the system for online reclamation was out of function. Now you can use the system again, but unfortunately, all submitted complaints need to be entered again. We apologize once again for these problems and we are doing our best to stop them from happening again. Thank you for your understanding.

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