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Obaveštenje / Information


Ovim putem Vas obaveštavamo da će se čišćenje garaže u zimskom periodu, shodno vremenskim uslovima i obilnim padavinama vršiti svakog radnog dana, uz predovno čišćenje po planu za oba nivoa. Potrudićemo se da ova dodatna usluga poboljša i sigurnost prilikom prolaza do Vašeg parking mesta.

Naknadno mašinsko čišćenje ćemo obavljati po potrebi kao i uklanjanje viška vode na mestima gde je moguće prići. Uz ovu uslugu vršićemo i čišćenje belih linija saobraćajnica i samih parking mesta uz posebne hemikalije kako bi osvežili belu boju i poboljšali izgled parking mesta.

Ukoliko imate specifične zahteve, možete nam se javiti kako bismo Vam izašli u susret.


Dear all,

We hereby inform you that the cleaning of the garage in the winter, according to the weather conditions and heavy rainfall, will be done every working day, along the contracted cleaning according to the plan for both levels. We will do our best to improve the garage situation and secure a safe passage to your parking space.

Additional machine cleaning will be performed as needed, as well as removal of excess water in places where it is possible to approach. Along with this service, we will also clean the white lines on roads and the parking spaces with special chemicals in order to refresh the white color and improve the appearance of the parking space.

Feal free to contact us for any specific requirements.

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