Dragi vlasnici i stanari,
U cilju da vam pružimo što bržu i bolju uslugu, obaveštavamo vas da ukoliko imate neke žalbe na naše usluge ili ste primetili bilo kakve nedostatke ili neispravnosti u zajedničkim delovima zgrade, možete podneti reklamaciju putem ovog portala na stranici Reklamacije.
Obrazac za podnošenje reklamacije možete popunjavati sa bilo kog uređaja, neograničen broj puta.

Nakon podnošenja reklamacije, možete pratiti status vaše reklamacije klikom na profil u gornjem desnom uglu i selekcijom opcije Reklamacije.

Na toj stranici nalaze se mnoge informacije vezane za vaše reklamacije koje su prikazane u tabeli.

ID - Jedinstveni kod reklamacije
Ticket Date - Datum podnošenja reklamacije
Image - Slika koju ste priložili uz reklamaciju (u slučaju da niste, biće prazno polje)
Description - Opis Vaše reklamacije
Status - Praćenjem ove stavke možete videti kako napredujemo u rešavanju problema
Comments - Naši komentari na reklamaciju
Completion Date - Datum kada je Vaša reklamacija privedena kraju
Pri svakoj promeni statusa, bićete obavešteni i putem e-maila, u kome će se nalaziti sve informacije vezane za reklamaciju.
Nakon završene reklamacije, takođe putem e-maila, biće vam prosleđen link do "Upitnik za zadovoljstvo korisnika" na kome ćete moći da ocenite kvalitet usluga, a i samim tim nama približite nivo vašeg zadovoljstva kako bi bili u stanju da poboljšamo kvalitet usluga koje pružamo.
Nadamo se da će nama, kao i vama, Online reklamacija ubrzati proces podnošenja i rešavanja reklamacija.
Dear Owners & Residents,
In order to provide you with the fastest and best possible service, we would like to inform you that if you have any complaints about our services or have noticed any deficiencies or malfunctions in common areas of the building, you can file a complaint through this portal on the Reclamation page.
You can fill in the complaint form from any device, unlimited number of times.

After submitting a reclamation, you can monitor the status of your reclamation by clicking on the profile in the upper right corner and selecting the Reclamations option.

This page contains a lot of information related to your reclamations, which is shown in the table.

ID - Unique reclamation code
Ticket Date - The date the reclamation was filed
Image - The image you attached to the reclamation(in case you did not, there will be a blank field)
Description - Description of your reclamation
Status - By following this item you can see how we are progressing in resolving the issue
Comments - Our comments on the complaint
Completion Date - The date when your reclamation was completed
Every time your reclamation status is changed, you will be notified via e-mail, which will contain all the information related to the reclamation.
After the reclamation is completed, you will receive, also via e-mail, a link to the "Customer Satisfaction Survey" where you will be able to evaluate the quality of our services, and bring us closer to your level of satisfaction in order to be able to improve our quality.
We hope that for us, as well as for you, the Online Reclamation will speed up the process of submitting and resolving complaints.