Dragi Vlasnici,
Ovim putem želimo da Vas obavestimo o radovima na glavnoj kapiji kompleksa Voždove Kapije.
Metalni nosač vrata se iskrivio od otvaranja. Obzirom da su vrata teška, moraju biti konstantno zatvorena a to nije bio slu?aj kako su stanari unosili nameštaj radi useljenja.
Nosač je popravljen od strane našeg podizvođača, u narednom period biće ispitana sva vrata na kapijama kompleksa od strane našeg tehničara.
Molimo Vas da ne ostavljate vrata otvorena kako ne bi došlo do ponovnog kvara i kako bismo imali kontrolu pristupa od strane prolaznika koji nemaju odobren pristup.

Dear Owners & Residents,
We would like to inform you about the works on the main gate of the Voždove Kapije complex.
The metal door bracket twisted from the opening. Since the doors are heavy, they must be constantly closed and this was not the case as the owners brought in furniture while moving.
The bracket has been repaired by our subcontractor, in the next period all the doors on the gates of the complex will be examined by our technician.
Please do not leave the door open to avoid re-failure, and so we can control the entrance of people who are not living here and do not have authorized access.