Ovim putem Vas obaveštavamo da će 22.02.2021. početi radovi na otklanjanju curenja kod spoljašnjeg slivnika u parku, koji se nalazi između zgrada Generala Rašića 1 i Generala Rašića 3.
Radovi neće uticati na slobodno kretanje stanara i gostiju, osim što će početak radova biti bučniji obzirom da je neophodno skidanje štampanog betona. Nismo dobili informaciju koliko će radovi trajati.
Za sva pitanja i pomoć stojimo na raspolaganju, a možete se obratiti i našem obezbeđenju putem interfona ili dežurnog broja.
Dear all,
We hereby inform you that on 22.02.2021. are beginning the works regarding leakage problems at the outside drain located in the park, between buildings Generala Rašića 1 and Generala Rašića 3.
The works will not affect the free movement of owners and guests, except that the beginning of the works will be noisier, considering that it is necessary to remove the printed concrete. We have not received information on how long the works will last.
We are at your disposal for all questions and help, and you can also contact our security via intercom or calling their official number.